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HUD's Housing Counseling Exam Prep Workshop


  • $500.00


Prosperity Unlimited
1660 Garnett St
Kannapolis, NC 28083


Workshop Description: This highly interactive 2 ½-day training workshop
equips its participants with information to successfully pass the National HUD
Housing Counseling Certification (HCC) Exam. This workshop has a two-tiered
approach. One, an in-depth review of the 6 core competencies contained in
the HUD HCC exam. Two, equipping participants with proven test-taking
techniques and strategies specific to HUD’s HCC multiple-choice exam. 85% of
our workshop participants have passed the national HCC exam on his or her
first attempt!

Workshop Delivery: Our workshop appeals to multiple learning styles and is
ideally suited for experienced housing counselors who have not been in a test-
taking environment for an extended time and novice housing counselors too.

Workshop Materials: We use the 400+page National HCC Study Guide
provided by HUD and Fountain & Associates’ supplemental study guide that
includes proven test-taking strategies, practice test questions including math
problems with answer keys and unlimited access to a customized Quizlet link
that automates HUD’s HCC vocabulary words and real estate laws into
understandable study tools like flash cards and matching exercises.

Neon CRM by Neon One